Tuesday, June 29, 2004
These few days I have been sleeping so little and late. Its like 430am everyday and wake up at 1 something in the afternoon. These days I've been alone much, even though there are 4 people in the house. 2 of them are always together and one well is basically in his room all day. So basically, I'm in my room all day too, which is quite a bad thing considering that my thoughts can run wild in this room. I need to get out more, need to breathe in more of this cold winter fresh air. At night, it really gets cold, like the coldest that I've been through so far was -4degrees. Last week, while there was alot on my mind, I started going for late night walks. It was really cool with all the smoke that comes out from my mouth and all. Anyway, I think I'm used to being alone already. When I was back in Singapore, I used to really rely on people. I could always bank on my family to be there for me, or friends when I go out with them. Even in school, there seems to be never a moment where I could be alone because I'm a people people person. I must have people around me. But I think that these has all changed within the course of these 4 months. I was heavily reliant on my housemates before this. I get paranoid whenever people are talking and I'm not there. I was in a state of depression once while I was here. I thought that oh man, the whole world hates me, i'm back to being I was in secondary school. I never had any friendship problems up to JC2 but now at the age of 20 I've problems with making friends. Its not easy to make friends with people from my class because we change people from class to class. It was probably easier to make friends at home but then again couply things happen and my roommate is whisked off elsewhere. Then I think man, I might as well get used to being alone this holidays. And I have, really gotten used to it. I'll be going out alone to Indooroopilly tomorrow to have a look at stuff. Basically I think I need time alone in the fresh air and stuff. I mean I've been alone at home and stuff but I have never gone out alone in Brisbane alone before. Tomorrow will be my first time but what the heck, how dangerous can it be? Anyway, Andrew's mum and girlfriend will be leaving tomorrow so I'll be meeting Nicole and Colin in the city after my Indooroopilly shopping and after their rendevous in the city, we'll meet and send his mum and girlfriend to the airport. Yup, that's my agenda for tomorrow. I'm going on a shopping trip on my own.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 2:57 pm
-ThE EnD-