Monday, July 12, 2004
Just finished watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. For those who dont quite know what the show is about, its a show about 5 gay guys trying to straighten out the life of one straight guy. Last week it was for a gay guy, that episode was bad cause well they were just a little too different from normal(ie more gayish)that usual, kissing him and stuff. Not that I dont mind gays, but just that its abit off seeing them hugging and kissing on national TV. Anyway, back to today's episode, I think its great. We should get Queer Eye to revamp the house that we are staying in. Someone should have changes for the heating elements of the house, instead of keeping the cold in during the winter, it
SHOULD be keeping the heat in. There's a whole book on them giving advice on how to straighten up your life, its really interesting. The guys will probably get turned off by the fact that its written by gay guys but its really a good read as it teaches you(as in guys) how to behave in front of girls. There's this whole section on how to behave in front of girls and the girls in my house all agree that its so true. So I think at the end of the year, I'll buy a book home.
Anyway, today something extraordinary happened. Someone whom we thought is unreasonable became reasonable today and someone whom we thought was reasonable became unreasonable. These 2 people are my landlady and landlord respectively. My landlady is usually a hot-tempered person who usually flare up at the slightest thing while my landlord is usually the go-between the her and us. Few days ago, she told us that today someone was coming in to make the kitchen floor and she would buy us lunch today. So when we came down for lunch at 12.30pm, there were 2 bags of stuff on the table, one bag contained 2 packets of chicken and the other bag contained a bag of ham and cheese bread. So we thought that the chickens were for us(though it might sound far-fetched) I know, since when had we had half a chicken each for lunch but anyway, yeah you see we were wrong and there was this huge misunderstanding. I think my landlord scolded my landlady till when she came out to tell us the 'story', she was nearly crying while he was banging the door and stuff. It was a really awakard situation, cause we couldnt simply give them back the chicken and she was very nice about it saying that we didnt have to buy back chickens and stuff. After awhile, my landlord also calmed down and came out and acted as if nothing happened. At that point, I really felt so bad I wanted to dig a hole and crawl under it. But nevertheless, this incident made me see one point, Australians are very tolerant people. I mean even if the incident blew over, they wouldnt have changed temperament so quickly and try to make the situation better. Really respected them for that. Therefore, we decided to make tomorrow a pizza night, as we treat them to dinner and stuff. But they didnt want and they had already made wednesday a pizza night. So we will just do the Christmas tree for them instead. Sigh, this incident really took a huge guilt trip man. I think even worse when they ate my landlord's lunch. But all's good for now.
So today, after that huge hoo-hah, I went to Booval to collect my parcel. I thought no town could get worse than Ipswich(where I'm staying now), I was so wrong. That town is so dead I thought it was inhabited. The post office size itself is to tiny its terrible but anyway got my package. Happy again. Oh on our way there, there was this bunch of young punks making fun of Amy and me. They were saying Japanese and stuff. Bascially racist stuff and one of the guys was trying to listen in to what we were saying and we were speaking
English! But obviously he does not understand us so he thinks we are not. What assholes and such young punks. Pathetic, its this people that give Aussies a bad name. Luciky, this Booval place is near Ipswich, so we didnt have to endure very much of that pathetic racist crap.
Oh and I watched Peter Pan just now. Not the cartoon, the real life people version, not the robin williams one, the younger boy version. Its really well a child movie with a touch of romance as well. I think whether a person likes it anot really depends on the individual. But anyway I personally think its a good movie.
Really hungry now, think my appetite getting bigger again. Which equals to getting fatter. Anyway, going for a hair cut tomorrow, want a change in style since having long hair for the past 3 years and oh going for thermal ionic treatment( I think that's hair straightening) on friday as well. Hope my hair wil turn out ok.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 10:20 pm
-ThE EnD-