Thursday, July 29, 2004

I have got a job offer letter from a recruitment agency. Thing is I'm not too sure whether is it like not a scam or something like that. Heh, Below is the letter they sent via email to me. People please take a look and tell me can?

R.J.C. Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Pohmelnaia str. 3a Phone/fax +78123804272 
 Dear  Jessica,  Russian Jewelry Company is pleased to offer you the position of Sales Representative at International Sales dept. in Australia for our company. We have carefully read your resume(in and decided offer this position to you.  Russian Jewelry Company is the seller of jewellery adornments and also the  representative of the largest manufacturers of jewellerys in Pacific region. We are engaged in sales of  jewellerys adornments for a 3  years. At the moment our company has departments and physical representatives in USA and EMEA region.  Requirements: 1. Computer with e-mail; 2. Australia  resident; 3. 3-4 hours free during the week (mainly in the evening/non-business hours) for communication; 4.Banking account  Your work will consist in accepting on your bank account payments for the Goods bought from us and send payment our agents via Western Union or Money Gram. The payment for your work will make 5% from the sum which have sent to you (on the average the prices for our production is 2000 - 10000 AUD), you should to send other part to our agent via  WU or MG. All transaction fees is paid also by us. We will inform you about the payment which have sent on your banking account by e-mail, or by phone (as you will wish). Information about WU and MG transfers which have sent by you we ask to mail us.  Persons who will be accepted for this job will follow these instructions: 1. Receive the money  transfers on banking account 2. Take 5% from the sum which have sent to you 3. Send other part of received money to our manager via Western Union 4. Report to our manager via e-mail transfer details  If you are interested in our offer or have any questions,  please contact us via e-mail.   Sincerely yours Russian Jewelry Company

Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:17 am

-ThE EnD-

.:: Mage ::.

Jessica . 20 . 20th of November . Scorpio . Uni of Queensland . In love?

Wanna do :: Have a Great Summer Holiday

Reading: Always the Bridesmaid

Watching: The OC, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Sex and the City , Law and Order SVU, Amazing Race

Obssession: Losing weight

Wishlist: An IPOD. A trip to London. A new better laptop. NECe616V

In my discman: some CD I burned from James.

Only: days till I start work!

Feeling:The current mood of jesnufflesss at

mAiL me!

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CaLiNe ( and credits to all those whose html i have used)


.::Mood of the Day::.

.::Current MSN Nick::.
Let's get down and get drunk tonight