Saturday, July 10, 2004

I'm waiting for my parents to come online. Man, hope that I didnt get the timings wrong cause I'm supposed to be watching Kill Bill 2 over at Amy's room. Man, that show is quite crappy, actually its very crappy. Just wondering how much more crappy can it be and obviously I think it can be crappier. My landlady is a argh b*tch and a pain in the arse. Just now, while we watching the movie, she came up and said that we were inconsiderate and that her husband has to get up at 4am or something and he's still and we should not be giggling and squealing away at 11pm at night. What a bummer, she always pulls this crap on us. What is her problem?
Sigh, tomorrow, Andrew and Colin are most probably going to play soccer which leaves me and Amy alone in the house. Quite sad huh? 2 is the saddest number so far. And Nicole has gone to her friend's house for the night, so I'm all alone in the room. Now while the rest are watching the movie. Quite sian actually but well, I'll get used to it. Just now I was going through all the sightseeing stuff in Queensland and I realise that there are actually quite alot of stuff to see over here. Its just a matter of whether I have someone to go with me but then again who will be crazy enough to visit all these stuff with me. I want to find a job next semester so that next winter I can save money to visit Yali in Melbourne. It really looks fun! At least much more fun than what I'm having anyway. Anyway, have to start signing on classes on Monday, hope that I'll get the timetable that I want.
Argh where are my parents?

Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:10 pm

-ThE EnD-

.:: Mage ::.

Jessica . 20 . 20th of November . Scorpio . Uni of Queensland . In love?

Wanna do :: Have a Great Summer Holiday

Reading: Always the Bridesmaid

Watching: The OC, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Sex and the City , Law and Order SVU, Amazing Race

Obssession: Losing weight

Wishlist: An IPOD. A trip to London. A new better laptop. NECe616V

In my discman: some CD I burned from James.

Only: days till I start work!

Feeling:The current mood of jesnufflesss at

mAiL me!

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CaLiNe ( and credits to all those whose html i have used)


.::Mood of the Day::.

.::Current MSN Nick::.
Let's get down and get drunk tonight