Wednesday, July 28, 2004
A new semester has started for me. Well, it has for the past erm 3 days? Today is my longest day. I had 2 lectures in the morning, and now I have 2 tutorials till 5pm today. From next week onwards, I'll have no lunch break even. It'll be from 10am straight to 5pm cause I've a group meeting during my lunch time. Sigh, maybe I should not have tried to pack my timetable to a 3 day week. Its really not that urgent to start the weekend early when you have a shitty week. Today, my lecturer is nice, she let us off early like 25mins into the lesson. Argh, my group members just walked in and said they did some research or something. Not bad, they did my work share of it. Cool but I still feel bad. Sigh.. I dont even know what racial reconcillation is. Whatever, I'll get it sorted soon. I think they dont understand me. Nevermind, troubles of being a bloody international student. The only one that is.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 2:27 pm
-ThE EnD-