Friday, September 24, 2004

Hello All again! I havent blogged in a week! Gasp,that's a pretty long time for me cause I usually will blog every 2-3 days but it has been a week. I suppose nothing's really been up except work (school work that is) as many would have known, I have had an 2000 word essay about Tarzan due on Monday and I have another 1500 word essay on Euthanasia due tomorrow, which thankfully I have finished. The Spring Break therefore is officially here for me! However, I have no plans whatsoever as to what I am going to do in this break. Its kinda sad as last time, whenever we had breaks, we'll plan ahead as to what we are going to reward ourselves with but this time, its different. The problem is still there, I'm still excluded. When James goes home for the Spring Break, that would really be a big problem. I would really be bored, being the only person in the house. Tomorrow, they are going out again, and once again, I'm not asked. Bleah, its really sad. But well I suppose its one or the other and I really am confused. But time will not and can not be turned back now, therefore I'll face this and move on.
Anyway, went to the city with Siobhan yesterday (yes, I still do have some friends from uni) and we just did window shopping. Seriously, with $20 in your wallet, there's not much you can do. But there were so much stuff I really wanted to get. There was this yellow halter top that was gorgeous and I knew that it would match perfectly with my skirt that I want to wear to the Maroon 5 concert. However, that bloody top costs $90. Walked around abit more, tried on clothes, spring is here so summer wear is in! Clothes to buy again! Damn but I have put on so much weight, I'll not even dare to step on the scales. Anyway, I have not done real shopping in a long time, since the June holidays I think but I always seem to be broke. I honestly wonder why. Sigh but I guess I have to save up for the stuff I have to buy home in 2 months. At the rate I'm going, I'll not have enough money to buy stuff for people back home.
However, hopefully we'll be going water skiing with this guy from church. Things will look up from there I hope. Oh and I may go up to Sunshine Coast (James home) to the beach there! Yayness, spring break here I come!

Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 1:58 am

-ThE EnD-

.:: Mage ::.

Jessica . 20 . 20th of November . Scorpio . Uni of Queensland . In love?

Wanna do :: Have a Great Summer Holiday

Reading: Always the Bridesmaid

Watching: The OC, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Sex and the City , Law and Order SVU, Amazing Race

Obssession: Losing weight

Wishlist: An IPOD. A trip to London. A new better laptop. NECe616V

In my discman: some CD I burned from James.

Only: days till I start work!

Feeling:The current mood of jesnufflesss at

mAiL me!

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CaLiNe ( and credits to all those whose html i have used)


.::Mood of the Day::.

.::Current MSN Nick::.
Let's get down and get drunk tonight