Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I'm just going crazee with these colours! Whee.. I'm abit cranky, mainly because its raining right now, my clothes are never going to get dried(that's really bad), I've just had a test today which I dont think I'll do well for. Honestly, I have no idea what I even writing about. Something about the title of the short story. This is why I never really liked literature( no offense to people out there who loves lit) but I simply dont get it myself. I dont understand and dont know how to read beyong face value, which is really bad because I'm supposed to. And the last time I actually touched lit was in sec 2? Eons and eons ago.. Nevertheless, I think I'll pass (hopefully) but wont do well. I wont be too sad about it because I cant, I have simply too much stuff to do. Week 6 is a killer week! I had an assignment due on Monday which I stayed up till 3am on Sunday morning to do, waking up at 9am, stayed up till 230am on Monday night and got up at 10am. Yesterday night, slept at 330am, got up at 9am again for class. At this rate I'm having such irregularly sleeping patterns, I'm going to join the endangered species of pandas of China and munch on bamboos everyday. Hang on, that sounds like a great idea compared to what I have to go through right now. Pandas! Here I come

Right forgive me, I'm really off the rock here. I have been sleeping weird times since Thursday night. I know that its all my fault, sleeping late, not doing my homework till the very last minute. I swear that I'll never have a repeat of Sunday night again. I submitted an essay that I've no idea what I wrote on. Only thing I remembered was the title: Waltzing Matilda : Gender and the Political Implications (something like that). And I have another assignment due on Friday (which I have not started yet) about euthanasia. I'm just lucky that these assignments are first assignments of each course and therefore the word counts are pretty little and the percentages are pretty small too or else I think I'm a goner this semester.
*Jess you've to wake up and stop spending time elsewhere! /slaps myself*

And I'm pissed off with one of my tutors, in fact I think the whole course people hates her. She's the most immature, unprofessional teacher I've ever seen at university level. She throws tantrums, telling her students that she has had a long day and dont piss her off. As if she's the only one who has had a long day. What rubbish, she goes on to say she's in a grumpy mood and all that crap. So immature and unprofessional! I'm not going to go more as it will make my blood really boil as I have see her tomorrow about my assignment. This course is nuts, they return your assignments without a grade, make you fill in a self-criteria/ evaluation form thingy and tell yourself what kind of grades you deserve and then go see her and talk about your assignment. Argh, as if 2 hours per week is not enough to look at her, we still have to spend time individually to talk about our assignment with her. When she's the one who decides the final mark anyway. Ok, *tries to calm myself down*, I'll not talk about her anymore.

Anyway, over the weekend, I went down to the Riverfest at South Bank to watch fireworks! They were great, I have got like photos of these fireworks and when I have more time and energy I'll post these photos up. Saturday was great, I had so much fun.. *sighs in memory* Even though its with 2 people, but 1 of them is dear to my heart and I had a great time. Alrighty then people, I have to get back to start writing euthanasia because I DO NOT want a repeat of Sunday night.

*fireworks are even greater when you're watching it with your loved ones by your side*
* ooh lala.. Its teacher's day today. HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY! is it even important anymore? *

Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 5:09 pm

-ThE EnD-

.:: Mage ::.

Jessica . 20 . 20th of November . Scorpio . Uni of Queensland . In love?

Wanna do :: Have a Great Summer Holiday

Reading: Always the Bridesmaid

Watching: The OC, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Sex and the City , Law and Order SVU, Amazing Race

Obssession: Losing weight

Wishlist: An IPOD. A trip to London. A new better laptop. NECe616V

In my discman: some CD I burned from James.

Only: days till I start work!

Feeling:The current mood of jesnufflesss at

mAiL me!

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CaLiNe ( and credits to all those whose html i have used)


.::Mood of the Day::.

.::Current MSN Nick::.
Let's get down and get drunk tonight