Thursday, September 09, 2004
There is a Maroon 5 concert on my birthday. 20th November for people who dont know. *glares at them* But thing is the tickets are going to be sold in like 2 days. I'm kinda worried that if I buy the tickets now, and if I need time off to pack and stuff, I may not want to go? Argh, internally tearing myself apart. Should I or should I not go? The tickets are going for $62.60. How?
Oh plus this is going out to all 01s01-ers. Erm James Choi and me are thinking of organising a holiday like next winter (aka July 2005). I know this is like almost 1/2 year earlier but its like you know, if you guys want to come or whatever, must start saving money up and work your asses off during the holidays right? So this is warning in advance. Ok, originally we wanted to go to New Zealand but the cost of a tour package to N.Z. cost too much- $3000 which I think other than James Choi, no one else can afford it. So we decided to scrap that and go to like either Melbourne or Sdyney or better yet do both. You see, at least in this 2 places, my James and me will know people and I think it would be easier to settle accommodation and places to bring you guys. Most importantly, we dont have to go to expensive tour packages coz Australia is easy to work with! Just get a map, open our mouths a couple of times and we'll get to wherever we want. So anyway, this is a proposal lo.. I hope to get like a class holiday, I know its expensive and alot of factors to consider, that's why I'm putting this up for you guys so early so that you know you HAVE to save money eh? Anyway, people, tell me what you think. *hugz*
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:24 am
-ThE EnD-