Wednesday, October 27, 2004

According to Daphne, I'm not on her daily reads list because I dont blog daily. Honestly, I used to be able to blog daily about anything and everything at all. Now, I guess I dont have to motivation and reason to blog. Why is that? Dont ask, I dont know the answer myself but nowadays I suppose being near the end of semester everyone's generally more busy with school work, projects and exams. I am no different so excuse me if I dont blog often. Daphne is so going to chuck shit, will she? I dont know. Anyway, today is my last day of the semester for teaching weeks. In fact its over as of now at 4.56pm on 27th October 2004. I've officially finished 2 semesters in Australia, having just exams and assignments left. No more boring lectures, not knowing what the hell I am doing and no more going for tutorials that I dont know what I'm doing there after the 5th week (aka, after my presentation). Let me do a course evaluation for my subjects.

COYS1110- Changing Channels
The lecturer is good. She writes like scripts and stuff for American TV and writes books for Big Brother and South Park. She's a pretty cool old lady with pink hair who hates lateness and cant see the projector screen when the door's open. Loves TV to bits, lectures off the top of her head, really is pretty cool. The tutor on the other hand is a really grumpy middle aged woman. In fact, she's the most childish tutor I have ever known. She has walked out of class before, leaving us wondering what the hell is going on. She loves Johnny Depp way too much and loves Malcom in the Middle way way too much too. Though she shows us cool movies during class, I still think she's crap. This is my media course whereby I study Tarzan for the whole semester in different mediums. Started off with the novel, moved on to films and now into sound (radio) which I am currently doing a group project for. Writing and producing a radio serial about Tarzan. Its quite cool really if not for the troubles that we have to go through with all usual group projects.

COYS1211- Texts and Contexts
This course is basically literature. Me and literature is basically not very friendly considering the last time I did literature was in secondary 2. But surprisingly I actually did enjoy this course quite abit though most of the time I dont quite understand what they are saying but once I do its actually quite fun.

COYS1510- Nature, Technology and the Human Condition
This is the suckiest course ever. What ever that is lectured has absolutely nothing to do with my assignment. Euthanasia, is just something that I can just look up the internet and do my one big assignment of 3000 words. Basically in one word- CRAP. I have not seen such a disorganised lecturer ever before, with no course details at all whatsoever. No idea what he's doing every week and every week, we go to lecture wondering. Why on earth am I even here? Yes, its that bad. I'm just glad that its over.

COYS1310- Issues in Contemporary Australia
This is about as crappy because basically we dont have to turn up for class at all unless its your presentation week. Mine was over from week 5 and I only go to class for attendence marks. But other than that, honestly I dont quite care what goes on in contemporary Australia. But this is far more enjoyable than the one above. Though I dont know why I go to class, at least its not as boring.

Yup, that's my course evaluation for the semester. Pretty crappy hey? I have 2 more assignments and 1 exam to go. Not too bad I must say, cleared most of my stuff already. Let's see, what else interesting has happened in my life? Not much really.. Other than I'm really stressed up juggling between viewing apartments, studying and applying for college. I really hate it when parents chuck the shit about how disorganised you are and offer 'suggesstions' and expect you to take them. My dad dont want to pay empty rent till I come back and made me apply for college. College costs about 200/week excluding phone bill, food and laundry. If I stay outside, I pay 2000 empty rent and thereafter, 125-140/week, excluding internet, electricity bill, phone bill, transport and food. I dont know, I think its all the same. Its just a bloody psychological thing that he does not want think he's throwing away money for empty rent. He wrote me a 1800 word email to give a 'suggestion' as to why I should stay in college. Everything just seem thrown onto my shoulders and I'm just expected to carry it off.

Sometimes, I just feel like collapsing and perhaps only then he'll realise how much pressure and stress he's putting onto me. Not bad, I think this is a pretty decent length entry! No more complains about me not updating regularly.

Back onto James and me. I guess it has almost been 3 weeks. 3 weeks seem to be a long time for a break-up but I guess everyone learns. At least I know that I no longer tear for him. We are more friendly with each other after I guess we came to terms about us not being girlfriend boyfriend anymore. But I'm coping well. I have to or else I would have buckled down long ago. And since my dad chucked shit about accommodation, I guess I'll be flying home on schedule then. 22nd November, here I come! One thing sad though, my birthday this year will be pretty alone. Sigh... But I guess its alright then. Its only me getting older. 20! I'm turning 20 on the 20th of November. Pretty cool hey?

Righto, back to re-vising my script for my radio serial. Love you guys..

Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 5:24 pm

-ThE EnD-

.:: Mage ::.

Jessica . 20 . 20th of November . Scorpio . Uni of Queensland . In love?

Wanna do :: Have a Great Summer Holiday

Reading: Always the Bridesmaid

Watching: The OC, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Sex and the City , Law and Order SVU, Amazing Race

Obssession: Losing weight

Wishlist: An IPOD. A trip to London. A new better laptop. NECe616V

In my discman: some CD I burned from James.

Only: days till I start work!

Feeling:The current mood of jesnufflesss at

mAiL me!

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CaLiNe ( and credits to all those whose html i have used)


.::Mood of the Day::.

.::Current MSN Nick::.
Let's get down and get drunk tonight