Friday, October 22, 2004
Have been walking around Indooroopilly, Taringa and Toowong to look for a place to move to next year. I never knew that looking for a place to stay is so hard. I havent really been updating much anyway because I have had no life outside my studies and my accommodation problem. Which can be a good thing.. I have been spending the last 4 days in school- 8 hours straight per day just doing my assignment on "Literature is another form of Women's oppression".I think that after doing this assignment, I'm oppressed myself but then again, Its all good after I saw it go down the chute today. It was such a satisfying feeling seeing my printout today.. So for the first time last night I actually had 9 hours sleep. Prior to that, I have had like 5 hrs sleep everyday. My body is completely exhausted. But I received an email from Philip (as usual) about beautiful bedrooms. Sigh, I wish that I can find a room like these. .
ok, it was supposed to have pictures but obviously they didnt appear. I forgot how to put them in. ARGH.. Stupid me..


Cool Living room.. I really want one like this

I actually prefer them with the lights

Now I think this is cool to see shooting stars every night and wish every night and make those wishes come true!

This is my favourite of them all.. A pretty angel.
Arent they nice and pretty? Now, why arent there nice and pretty houses like that in Brisbane and affordable as well. Haha, I really should go to my Lala land..
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 1:07 am
-ThE EnD-