Saturday, October 16, 2004
Listening to a Song that once upon a time was Kitty's and my song: Mandy Moore: Crush
I know that there is a South Bank in Victoria because Yali of s06 lives there. So this is introducing the South Bank of Brisbane. I went down with Kelly, Gen and Justina (my future housemate for next year) for a show- You got Served. Well, before I went to see that show, I went to search it up and it was rated the crappest show of the century (kinda), so I went in with pretty low expectations of that movie. Its basically a black hip hop dancing flick that shows the problems these street people face and their own ways of handling things. I guess the only thing that's worth commending in the movie is the dancing was AWESOME. You could never see those people move so well with such precision and vigour! But on the whole, the story was pretty crap, so it was right, its a pretty crappy movie. Thank goodness I only paid $5 for that movie, wouldnt have paid anything more than that to watch that movie. Anyway, after the movie, we went to walk around South Bank. Honestly, South Bank brings back alot of memories for me so I was quite reluctant to walk around because that's where we went for our 1st and 2nd date. This is why I really want to move out I suppose. Ipswich really holds too many memories, the places we go to, the things we do here. Carmen told me to stay for one semester and then move out to Fiona's place in the 2nd semester but I cant stay in this place any longer than I already am. Although, he's moving out as well but I just cant take all the places that we used to go. The walk to the train station, the walk to school, everytime I run past the Student Union, the tennis court, the Multimedia building, the library even, Room 112, Coles, too many memories in Ipswich.
Even when I go out to the city, I'll have memories: Sportsgirl, Cybercity, the Taiwanese Restaurant, the Korean Restaurant, Family, The Press Club, Lush, the bridge linking South Bank and the city but these I have no choice but to face them because eventually I'll still go out to the city. Anyway, I seriously have to stop linking every single damn thing to James or else I'll never move on with life and be stuck in this transition forever. However, I went to South Bank and the city and bought meself some coke bottles and a pair of earrings from Sportsgirl that were reduced!
When I go to the movies, I cant do without:
Coke Bottles
After the movie we had Fish and Chips at a Deck Wrap place. The chips were great, however we were too busy eating and forgot to take photos. This is us after dinner and dessert:
Kelly, me and Justina after having the best Fish and Chips at South Bank
After that, we went to walk around to take photos and met these two very friendly school girls and a guy who think that Singaporeans cant speak English. Well, figures, this is a stereotypical image of us asians anyway.
Here's us with the 2 girls:
All of us with 2 very friendly girls (That's the only words I can describe them)...
And some pictures we took of the 'Romantic Walk' thingy with the nice romantic infrastructure:
Kelly, Gen, Jus and me at the 'Romantic Walk' in South Bank
Kelly, Jus and me at the 'Romantic Walk' Can you guys see the nice nice structure of the walkway?
And Gen trying to get the perfect lighting for us...
Ahh.. the light's too bright
Lastly, my conquest from Sportsgirl:
Pink earrings from Sports girl
Well, that's my trip last night. Honestly, when Nic told me that she was not coming home today, I was really really down. That's why last night I slept in Amy's room even though she didnt come back to the room to sleep but still, I suppose its the thought that there is someone on this side of the house that counts. I have to thank her for loaning me Bobbie's room last night to sleep in and also well James Choi for talking to me.He specially took off to talk to me cause I'm depressed. I'm really grateful for that. I know that there are alot of people who care about me but I suppose I have said this before, this is something that I know I'll have to get over myself. Love you guys for all the care and concern hey? I'm flying home soon so I can see you'll. Righto, I have neglected this thing call work for a couple of days, I have to get down and get some work done. Argh, its so hard to write a feminist literature paper..
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 1:41 pm
-ThE EnD-