Monday, November 08, 2004
Today the 8th of November is the day I finally submitted our radio serial. Despite all the complications even in the morning itself, it really really finally managed to get it done. This morning Rolly Polly forgot to bring his script, had to listen to our serial all over again and type it there and then. My works consulted list done wrongly and I forgot to get pictures for my cast list. David had to get all our references all over again and put in all the cast properly. Angela had to touch up on her script. Half of the library was filled with my faculty people because all of us have a major assignment due while the other half is filled with people who had exams today. Yes, exam week has started. Freaky even though my exam is only next week on the 17th, but still the atmosphere is freaky. But putting that assignment down the chute was really relieving as all 4 of us saw the envelope go down the chute. *phew* was really the word.
Anyway, came back for lunch and went into town for the last time (or so I say) until my exams are over to buy my quilt. Finally I decided to buy it cause its on 30% off! In fact Target was just on special everywhere. I love their sleepwear, but I have to really resist to buy any because of money constraints but I couldnt resist buying boycut knickers. I would take a picture of them and post them up but I think it would traumatise my male readers so I rather not. But they are really nice! Closed my Bendigo Bank account and transferred money into my commonwealth bank account. Heaps of things to do and consider.
Its raining really heavily now. Thinking if I should go and pick James up from work, unsure if he has an umbrella. *ponders* My roof is leaking so bad that it feels like its raining in here as well.
I did go to pick him up. Despite Daphne's repeated attempts to tell me that its not worth it. For once I'm sad that I didnt listen to her because it was not worth it. I went, waited, made someone kinda pissed with me cause I'm asking her boyfriend to do something like that, ie, go pick James up and at the end of it all? Not even a thank you. Na-da. Why do I even bother? Really.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 5:43 pm
-ThE EnD-