Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Everyday, well almost everyday I receive stuff from Philip from email, which I am really thankful for because he allows to be in touch with things in Singapore. Well, sometimes and I know I have said this before. Well anyway, there were more stuff but I only posted stuff that I thought was pretty nice..

Can you believe that all these are hand painted?

Handpainted 1

Handpainted 2

Handpainted 3

Handpainted 4

Handpainted 5

And these are the beautiful bridges around the world..

Bridge 1

Bridge 2

Bridge 3

Bridge 4

Bridge 5

Bridge 6

Bridge 7

Bridge 8

Bridge 9

And lastly, these are snowflakes as examined under a microscope. Did you know that our concept of snowflakes are actually right?

Snowflake 1

Snowflake 2

Snowflake 3

Snowflake 4

Snowflake 5

Snowflake 6

Snowflake 7

There! Finally done with all my pictures. Who ever said that photoblogging was easy and less time consuming. But I guess that if you're on dial-up, its much harder. Well anyway, things are looking up for me in terms of accommodation. Joanna called me last night and asked if I wanted to share with her and Jasmine. The answer was so definately YES! Today I went down to view the apartment and I think its perfect. It has security, convenience of Indooroopilly shopping centre and well kinda the train station as well. But basically I think its great and I really hope that this works out this time. My dad has agreed, thank goodness and I'll be packing my stuff into their garage like on the 21st November. Really, what would I do without Isaac and his car. Because he's being such a dear and driving me down with my stuff. Going down then to sign the agreement as well. Only thing I'm sad about is Nicole wont have a place to stay for next year. I think she's very stressed out about it. I hope that she'll be able to find a place soon too. Sigh, troubles with staying out and overseas. You dont just think about studies, there are so many more considerations but seriously, I'm just glad that I got this accommodation thing settled. Well, I finished my 3000 essay on euthanasia and feeling very proud of myself. But that's tonight only, I still have to do research for my group assignment due on Monday.

Sigh, tonight I cried. I havent done so in a while but today he came by the room to return me my corn chips and salsa sauce that I put in his pantry because we were supposed to make nachos together. It then struck me how there are so many things that we say we'll do but in the end nothing's done. And it all doesnt matter anymore. Kinda sad..

Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 1:43 am

-ThE EnD-

.:: Mage ::.

Jessica . 20 . 20th of November . Scorpio . Uni of Queensland . In love?

Wanna do :: Have a Great Summer Holiday

Reading: Always the Bridesmaid

Watching: The OC, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Sex and the City , Law and Order SVU, Amazing Race

Obssession: Losing weight

Wishlist: An IPOD. A trip to London. A new better laptop. NECe616V

In my discman: some CD I burned from James.

Only: days till I start work!

Feeling:The current mood of jesnufflesss at

mAiL me!

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CaLiNe ( and credits to all those whose html i have used)


.::Mood of the Day::.

.::Current MSN Nick::.
Let's get down and get drunk tonight