Wednesday, November 24, 2004
This is my first blog entry from home. Apparantly, I'm not quite able to blog from my home computer coz my dad says blogger brings in virus. Hm, that I have no idea about. But anyway, it has been about a day since I came back and I absolutely cant stand the weather. Its humid, hot and gross. I havent had the sticky sticky feeling on my hands in erm 9 months? Its back to that so definately I prefer the weather in Australia. In fact after being home for about a total of 24hours, I have come to the conclusion that if I could have all my friends and family with me in Australia, I would stay in Australia. I quite like the quieter life in Aussie as compared to the hustle and bustle. Its nice to have city life and what nots but the trains (which are far more regular) are always so packed. I never had to stand for more than 5 mins in Australia but over here its a miracle if you get a seat and of course you dont sit down becuase there will be some kid or old person or pregnant person who needs that seat. Singapore is just simply too congested with people, cars and everything. But this is my home and I am just glad to be home.
Anyway, I nearly couldnt fly home because I think that the service at the Brisbane International airport sucks to the core. There was so much hassle just getting onto the flight. Andrew, Colin and me didnt manage to get a cab to the airport and so we had to take a train. From frigging Ipswich to the other side of Brisbane. So anyway, Marie gave us a lift to the train station and me being the girl had about 6 bags to lug home. The poor boys had to help throughout with my bags, on top of theirs. It was truly a very very tiring experience to travel to the airport by train, transferring from Roma Street to the platform to the airport was another experience. From the airport stop to the departure hall is another experience. It was just pure manual labour on the 3 of us. And when we finally got to the airport at 12pm, our flight was at 2pm. So we joined the long long queue of people who was also waiting to check in at 12pm. By the time it was 1pm, we were still in queue while almost all the counters save for 1 were closed for lunch! I mean, shouldnt at least 2 be open? Out of the 5? Bad bad service, bad bad experience. All of us had exceeded the weight limit cause Andrew and Colin only had 20kg while I had 30. Even with 30 I also exceeded. So Andrew and Colin had to pay excess baggage fees and there was 1 bag that Colin had to send home. I was supposed to send one home as well or else I will have excess baggage but I think I was really pissed at that point that I just said give me the bag. So on our way to try to send out bags home via company flight, I was like hey they didnt even put tags onto our hand carry bags so they wouldnt know which was allowed, which wasnt right? And thank goodness we met their friend- Elgine(sp?) who was really really nice considering the first time I met him, he has to help me carry bags on board the plane. So thank you very very much. Basically I wouldnt be able to fly home without the help of Andrew, Colin and Elgine because without them to help me carry my erm many bags, I really would be at a loss as to what to do. We were all seated seperately throughout the plane ride and therefore there was much erm time (a grand total of 7 and a half hours) for me to think. Cried many times alone there just thinking about stuff but when the plane approached Singapore, it was just so relieveing to see the Singapore nightlights. It made me realise how much I miss home, miss the lights of the HDB flats, the hustle and bustle of cars, family and friends. When we came out of the airplane, it felt so good to be on Singapore grounds. Then we went to the duty free and they guys bought like hard liquor and stuff. I bought red wine for my uncle(which Colin helped me choose). At the end of it all, we finally managed to walk out of the airport at 9pm after customs and shopping and luggage collecting. I was so glad to see my parents, just hugging and crying away. Yeah, I think I'm pretty emotional. Had dinner with family, proper chinese food! Went home and the first person who called was Daphne! Haha, its like she knew exactly when I reached home. Then Nic called and we all made arrangements for yesterday.
I was supposed to meet Nic and Daphne and Xiangying for lunch (or so I thought). Turns out that there was a bigger group than expected. In the end, the whole gang consisted of Daphne, Nic, Mikeller, Nick, Xiangying, Junior, myself and Ruikun who joined us much later. But that boy came all the way down from Clementi(took cab down) just to have lunch with us. I was so touched. When I saw Mikeller I was like OMG! When I saw Nick, I was like OMG! I just keep saying that cause I was just so happy to see everyone. But I felt abit bad for Nic because she didnt know anyone really cept for me and there was this big group of 8 who was just there. But I really hope that she did enjoy herself. We had Swensens for lunch cause I missed the baked rice there (thanks everyone) and then we went shopping. Sheesh, I really miss shopping with Mimi they all. Just the big group of us shopping not caring what's happening is good. Mimi even missed her meeting because of me (touched). Anyway I had a realyl great time with everyone but it was sad that Yihui and Xiaoxuan couldnt come down because the 'date' was changed to lunch. Never mind, I'll meet them another time
I met up with relative at Paramount Shopping Centre. My uncle gave us a treat. It was great. Chinese food and I mean proper chinese food. It was an expensive dinner but I really thank him for it. It was one of those family things but I really had fun too because I havent seen them in erm 9 months too.
Overall, this past 24hours has been non stop for me. And I'm jet-lagged. I keep getting up at 8am Singapore time. Argh, this is bad. Going to Ruikun's party later.. (happy) OH no, I'm hungry, havent had lunch yet and meeting Daphne and Xiangying at 3pm. But I start work back at my old job at CPF on the 4th. I guess by then I would have met up with most of my friends. I would post pictures BUT this lousy computer at home is kinda crappy. Maybe another time (like 3 months later).
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 2:46 pm
-ThE EnD-
Monday, November 22, 2004
Hey, it has been sometime since I last blogged. Many things has happened since- for instance, I've officially left the teenage group and have now joined the big group of people in their 2-0s. I feel old, *whines* but anyway, I have also shifted house. CLeared all my stuff and moved them to my new place, packed and cleared my whole room, bought all the christmas presents (I'll be really free during the mad rush to buy presents, haha) and basically taking heaps of pictures. I think this will be a short entry because I have to leave at 945am for the airport. Yes, it has finally came to the day that I'm leaving and I'll be home tonight. I have mixed feelings about today, I'm really excited but yet I'm quite sad as well. A little I suppose because I know that once I leave this place today, I wont be coming back here again. Ipswich though is the most ulu place you can ever find, it has actually brought many memories both good and bad but this place can only stay as a memory now. In a way I'm glad because this place is really quite painful for me. As I took my last bus ride yesterday from the train station to home, its really saddening. I didnt think that I would be that sad but anyway...
This past 9 months, I think I have I have gotten abit more than I bargained for. Abit more.. In fact much more. I have grown up abit(I hope), I have gained a whole lot of new experiences. I have learnt how to survive on my own and have learnt to appreciate things in life. I have learnt that good things dont last and friendships can be broken but I have also learnt that that support from friends and family is what keeps everyone going here. I dont have time to blog alot here because I have to get ready to go to the airport. And because we're taking the train, its really a sucky trip home but its home I'm going home to. I have said my final goodbyes to a few people here, people that I know that I will not see again- aka James. I was really sad, I didnt think I'll be that sad but I guess the finality of it really just hit me when I saw him driving away from the house. I have never seen him drive before but yet that image now stays in my head constantly. That green jeep, those 'alien' sunnies. I dont want to start crying again so I'll stop.
I'll blog more from home but this is my final entry from Ipswich QLD because I'm coming home tonight. Goodbye Bobbie, Nicole, Amy, Isaac, James, Andrew, Colin, Carmen, Joanna, Jasmine, Justina, Kelly, Gen, Kareen, Tony and many many more. It was really great knowing you people and many of you have touched my life in more ways than one.
But now this broken heart has to go home to heal and start life on a clean slate next year.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 8:05 am
-ThE EnD-
Monday, November 15, 2004

LuV PoEtZzZ, 11/14/2004:
helloz...jie....dis izz my sis...yes...n ur
testis r collecting dust!!!ay..go aus muz
study hard hor...dun tink so much....E R
WAITING FOR U AT HOME....blah blah
blah...ur other bro has been getting
irritating...more of a bitch...damn pain in
the luck fer ur
need to reply cos later all de bad ting
abt moi come out sia...heehee...will b
waiting for changi airport....haha...
My brother really loves me. This is what I'm going home to, to family love. I'm a happy contented girl..
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 3:28 pm
-ThE EnD-
Saturday, November 13, 2004
I was actually pretty depressed yesterday. And this time it is not about James. This time it is about my results. I got back a literature paper and didnt do well for it. I passed but I just scraped a pass. I'm just depressed that this course I wont get any better than a 4(pass) for overall and I cannot afford to fail my exam, which I'm studying for really terribly because when you get to a stage where you have no idea what you're studying, its really bad. It does not help that half the house has already finished for the year and are just packing up to go home for good. We said goodbye for good to Anthony yesterday, on Tuesday we'll say goodbye to Bobbie, on Thursday we'll say goodbye to James for good. Well, for me its a goodbye for good. As of 17th November 2004, James William Drewe will walk out of my life forever and ever. Kinda sad but oh well, I guess that's part and parcel of life. Anyway, I was depressed right? And so after I finished studying in the library(which closed at 5pm), I decided to take a walk into Ipswich town and called Nicole on the way and asked if she wanted to have dinner at the city. Well, she was coming back and so the answer was no. But she'll meet me in Ipswich. So I just walked around aimlessly, taking photos of places. So these are the things that I did.
First up, I walked to my church.. This is
St Stephen's Presbyterian Church
which is..
The church I have been going to for the past year.
where I actually go to
The 930am family service. I actually get up early on Sundays!
This is..
Video Ezy- Our favourite hangout during the holidays..
Eagle Boys Pizza- what we always have when Pete and Marie are not around..
Oh and just a little sidenote...
This is where I had my worse fall of the year- Right outside Eagle Boys Pizza
Moving along to...
Coles- The supermarket we frequent after church and well James works here.
I bought..
Ski D'lite and Yoplait- Yogurt for the week..
But I had to check out boxes for Nicole at Woolworths.Went into Woolworths. Bad mistake cause I bought more stuff there.. Here the stuff that I got. Now you can see why I spend alot of money because I buy heaps of junk.
I bought..
December Issue of Cosmo- which I'll bring home to Singapore because Cosmo is banned in Singapore for whatever censorship reasons. On the cover this month- Mischa Barton (Melissa in The OC).
Pantene Pro-V Treatment moisturer- So that I can pack my shampoo and conditioner for next year and use this before I go home.
Tang Orange - Actually my dad's favourite drink. Just picked up drinking this the past month.
In the end, there were no boxes for Nicole when I went to meet her at the train station. As we walked home, we walked past this new Malaysian Chinese restaurant and she was like hey do you want to have dinner here tonight. And I was like yeah, why not? And so we did..
Oh we went home first, erm checked out what was for dinner and decided that we still wanted to go out for dinner. Invited Bobbie along to chinese food.. Love it there. The food was alright, I mean we were coming home to proper chinese food but I guess we just wanted to have a dinner out.
This is..
Bobbie and her Hokkien Noodles
Nic shying away as usual and what's left of her Chicken Chow Mein
and my..
Malaysian Nasi Lemak
After dinner...
3 of us at the Malaysian Restaurant looking very satisfied. By the way, see how fat I've become?
That was my day yesterday. Hm I'm going alright with studying I think. Finished feminism, psychoanalysis, marxism, structuralism, semiotics, formalism into functionalism. Now I have to revise stuff from module 1.
The weather is frigging hot today. The wind that blows is hot. Bad...
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 4:36 pm
-ThE EnD-
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Ok this is my 2nd time doing this because FUQUAN came and talk to me on MSN and everything just disappeared. I have to re-do everything from scratch! Because I deleted the photos and html already. Argh, ok Jess *calm down*. Let me just re-do this and get my studying on the road aye?
Let me start from the beginning again. I was saying that Philip at 10am Aussie time has sent me 5 emails, ie 8am Singapore time. And therefore I thought I shouldnt 'let him' down and should post some of the stuff that came through the mail today. I really appreciate it alot man..
Righto, all over again. Fuquan thanks ah.. First up, the Toilet Restaurant!
The Toilet Restaurant!
Meals served in the Toilet Bowl in the Toilet Bowl Restaurant!
Ooh.. Dessert at the Toilet Restaurant
The next dessert will have a
'dis-integration' process...
Ice Kachang in a toilet bowl...
This looks bad... Half-eaten ice kachang
Does this remind you of something?
However, the nicest toilet in the whole restaurant is..
The toilet in the Toilet restaurant
Also, he sent me photos of couple chains.
*wishful thinking now*
Couple Chain 1- No idea what the french means (is it even french?)
Couple Chain 2- More words I dont understand but this is really nice...
Couple Chain 3- Argh, why cant they be in English?
Couple Chain 4- I <3 You... Nice..
Couple Chain 5- I bless the day I found you. I want to stay around you. And so I beg you, Let it be me. (Wish it was something someone would give me)
Couple Chain 6- erm more words I dont understand... But a four leaf clover..
Couple Chain 7- Dear my angel.. I miss you because I love you.. (aww....)
Lastly, Philip has kindly sent me pictures of what I am missing out on in Channel 8's new drama which I believe is called The Champions. I really do miss watching Channel 8 shows.
Fiona Xie- Thinking she look damn pretty. Sorry dont quite like her.
But she does have a good bod though... ooh.. the new erm star search winner!! Who's the dorky guy?
Aww.. Jeannette Aw! dont know who the other chick is..
More of Jeannette Aw and Qi Yi Wu (is that his name?)
Chio Chio Jeannette.. I really think she's chio..
Uh Who is this?
*phew* finally done. Hopefully with no hiccups this time. Dont have that much time to keep blogging but nontheless if it still does not work out. I'll give up. This entry is just not mean to be then. Anyway, can anyone tell me what episode is The OC up to in Singapore? I wont be able to watch the final episode of the first season because I would have flown home. So just want to know if I will be able to catch it in Singapore or else I'll get my friend to burn it off the college network. Anyway, back to studying feminism. Literature.. *shakes head*
Oh and today it has been a month already. Life still goes on. In fact I think things have become worse. I guess I have to deal with the fact that I wont ever see this boy again. So yah, my sad story and life.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 2:29 pm
-ThE EnD-
Monday, November 08, 2004
Today the 8th of November is the day I finally submitted our radio serial. Despite all the complications even in the morning itself, it really really finally managed to get it done. This morning Rolly Polly forgot to bring his script, had to listen to our serial all over again and type it there and then. My works consulted list done wrongly and I forgot to get pictures for my cast list. David had to get all our references all over again and put in all the cast properly. Angela had to touch up on her script. Half of the library was filled with my faculty people because all of us have a major assignment due while the other half is filled with people who had exams today. Yes, exam week has started. Freaky even though my exam is only next week on the 17th, but still the atmosphere is freaky. But putting that assignment down the chute was really relieving as all 4 of us saw the envelope go down the chute. *phew* was really the word.
Anyway, came back for lunch and went into town for the last time (or so I say) until my exams are over to buy my quilt. Finally I decided to buy it cause its on 30% off! In fact Target was just on special everywhere. I love their sleepwear, but I have to really resist to buy any because of money constraints but I couldnt resist buying boycut knickers. I would take a picture of them and post them up but I think it would traumatise my male readers so I rather not. But they are really nice! Closed my Bendigo Bank account and transferred money into my commonwealth bank account. Heaps of things to do and consider.
Its raining really heavily now. Thinking if I should go and pick James up from work, unsure if he has an umbrella. *ponders* My roof is leaking so bad that it feels like its raining in here as well.
I did go to pick him up. Despite Daphne's repeated attempts to tell me that its not worth it. For once I'm sad that I didnt listen to her because it was not worth it. I went, waited, made someone kinda pissed with me cause I'm asking her boyfriend to do something like that, ie, go pick James up and at the end of it all? Not even a thank you. Na-da. Why do I even bother? Really.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 5:43 pm
-ThE EnD-
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Yesterday was like the worst storm I have experienced in my whole year here. My roof was leaking and the house was shaking while there was thunder. Who ever said that thunderstorms were the nicest to sleep. I hardly slept and had to share a bed with Nicole,pity her coz I had to get up at 9 this morning having only gone to bed at 2.30am.
This is a wonderful picture of evidence of my roof leaking..
I had to sleep with 3 pails on my bed!!
Sigh... What a wonderful life..
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 2:08 pm
-ThE EnD-
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Got this email from Bobbie. about the idea of a Good Friend in different grades. Well, in Australia, they go by grade system. So yeah basically its about the same. Grade 1 is Primary one. And when you get to Grade 8, its Secondary one. Year 11 and 12 are our college years.. Yup..
In kindergarten your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the red crayon when all that was left was the ugly black one.
In first grade your idea of a good friend was the person who went to the bathroom with you and held your hand as you walked through the scary halls.
In second grade your idea of a good friend was the person who helped you stand up to the class bully.
In third grade your idea of a good friend was the person who shared their lunch with you when you forgot yours on the bus.
In fourth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who was willing to switch square dancing partners in gym so you wouldn't have to be stuck do-si-do-ing with Nasty Nick or Smelly Susan.
In fifth grade your idea of a friend was the person who saved a seat on the back of the bus for you.
In sixth grade your idea of a friend was the person who went up to Nick or Susan, your new crush, and asked them to dance with you, so that if they said no you wouldn't have to be embarrassed.
In seventh grade your idea of a friend was the person who let you copy the social studies homework from the night before that you had forgotten.
In eighth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who helped you pack up your stuffed animals and old baseball but didn't laugh at you when you finished and broke out into tears.
In ninth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who would go to a party thrown by a senior so you wouldn't wind up being the only underage person there.
In tenth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who changed their schedule so you would have someone to sit with at lunch.
In eleventh grade your idea of a good friend was the person who gave you rides in their new car, convinced your parents that you shouldn't be grounded, consoled you when you broke up with Nick or Susan, and found you a date to the formal.
In twelfth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who helped you pick out a college/university, assured you that you would get into that college/university, helped you deal with your parents who were having a hard time adjusting to the idea of letting you go...
At graduation your idea of a good friend was the person who was crying on the inside but managed the biggest smile one could give as they congratulated you.
The summer after twelfth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who helped you clean up the bottles from that party, helped you sneak out of the house when you just couldn't deal with your parents, assured you that now that you and Nick or you and Susan were back together, you could make it through anything, helped you pack up for university and just silently hugged you as you looked through blurry eyes at 18 years of memories you were leaving behind, and finally on those last days of childhood, went out of their way to give you reassurance that you would make it in college as well as you had these past 18 years, and most importantly sent you off to college knowing you were loved.
Now, your idea of a good friend is still the person who gives you the better of the two choices, holds your hand when you're scared, helps you fight off those who try to take advantage of you, thinks of you at times when you are not there, reminds you of what you have forgotten, helps you put the past behind you but understands when you need to hold on to it a little longer, stays with you so that you have confidence, goes out of their way to make time for you, helps you clear up your mistakes, helps you deal with pressure from others, smiles for you when they are sad, helps you become a better person, and most importantly loves you!
I guess as we move on in different stages in our life, we need different friends who will always be there for ups and downs. Though I have a suspiscious feeling that the idea of a good friend now is describing a boyfriend/girlfriend but well since I dont have any of those, so I'll be just take it as all my friends who loves me. Finished off my recording yesterday for my radio serial. Honestly, I really think I sound sucky on radio but anyway, got to rush to do my cultural/research section, cast section and an apologia. All due on Monday and havent started yet. Usual slack jack me..
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 1:40 pm
-ThE EnD-
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Received this email from Nicole. Its funny how we send each other emails while we are just sitting next to each other. But well, she told me to read this and I think that its really nice..
1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.
3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
8. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.
9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
10. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
11. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.
12. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.
13. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
15. True friends: How many people actually have 8 true friends?
Dont you think that its so true? Well, some of them anyway.
Anyway got this from Fergus:
Eye Kreme that really works!
I think its hilarious...
Today I went back to school for a group meeting. And it just hit me that the assignment is due on Monday and yet we're not even halfway through our radio serial yet. Totally stressing out but they dont seem to care. Why do I always have the weirdest group mates. Today one girl forgot that we had a meeting and after I called her, she said she was sick and didnt want to come down. So today, while we were recording, I had to double up so many characters. Sometimes, I really hate group work because of the people you work with. But I guess its group work, all group work are like, people with different opinion and stuff like that. Finally got a bit of thing going. Cancelling my phone line on the 22nd, opened my commonwealth bank account. Will be buying my quilt from Target on Sunday, hopefully. There are just so many things to do with so little time. Totally stressing out...
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 8:08 pm
-ThE EnD-
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Everyday, well almost everyday I receive stuff from Philip from email, which I am really thankful for because he allows to be in touch with things in Singapore. Well, sometimes and I know I have said this before. Well anyway, there were more stuff but I only posted stuff that I thought was pretty nice..
Can you believe that all these are hand painted?
Handpainted 1
Handpainted 2
Handpainted 3
Handpainted 4
Handpainted 5
And these are the beautiful bridges around the world..
Bridge 1
Bridge 2
Bridge 3
Bridge 4
Bridge 5
Bridge 6
Bridge 7
Bridge 8
Bridge 9
And lastly, these are snowflakes as examined under a microscope. Did you know that our concept of snowflakes are actually right?
Snowflake 1
Snowflake 2
Snowflake 3
Snowflake 4
Snowflake 5
Snowflake 6
Snowflake 7
There! Finally done with all my pictures. Who ever said that photoblogging was easy and less time consuming. But I guess that if you're on dial-up, its much harder. Well anyway, things are looking up for me in terms of accommodation. Joanna called me last night and asked if I wanted to share with her and Jasmine. The answer was so definately YES! Today I went down to view the apartment and I think its perfect. It has security, convenience of Indooroopilly shopping centre and well kinda the train station as well. But basically I think its great and I really hope that this works out this time. My dad has agreed, thank goodness and I'll be packing my stuff into their garage like on the 21st November. Really, what would I do without Isaac and his car. Because he's being such a dear and driving me down with my stuff. Going down then to sign the agreement as well. Only thing I'm sad about is Nicole wont have a place to stay for next year. I think she's very stressed out about it. I hope that she'll be able to find a place soon too. Sigh, troubles with staying out and overseas. You dont just think about studies, there are so many more considerations but seriously, I'm just glad that I got this accommodation thing settled. Well, I finished my 3000 essay on euthanasia and feeling very proud of myself. But that's tonight only, I still have to do research for my group assignment due on Monday.
Sigh, tonight I cried. I havent done so in a while but today he came by the room to return me my corn chips and salsa sauce that I put in his pantry because we were supposed to make nachos together. It then struck me how there are so many things that we say we'll do but in the end nothing's done. And it all doesnt matter anymore. Kinda sad..
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 1:43 am
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