Friday, July 30, 2004
The Lovers of the Heart
In order to form
a more perfect kiss,
enable the mighty hug to promote
to whom we please
but one kiss.
Article 1: Statement of Love: The Kiss
1. Kiss on the hand: I adore you
2. Kiss on the cheek: I just want to be friends
3. Kiss on the neck: I want you
4. Kiss on the lips: I love you
5. Kiss on the ears: I am just playing
6. Kiss anywhere else: lets not get carried away
7. Look in your eyes: kiss me
8. Playing with your hair: I can't live without you
9. Hand on your waist :I love you to much to let you go
Article 2: The Three Steps
1. Girls: If any guys gets fresh with you, slap him.
2. Guys If any girl slaps you, her intentions are still good.
3. Guys & Girls Close your eyes when kissing, it is rude to stare.
Article 3: The Commandments
1. Thou shall not squeeze too hard.
2. Thou shall not ask for a kiss, but take one.
3. Thou shall kiss at every opportunity. * Remember * A peach is a peach A plum is a plum, A kiss isn't a kiss Without some tongue. So open up your mouth close your eyes, and give your tongue some exercise!!!
Here are a few reasons why guys like girls:
1. They will always smell good even if its just shampoo
2. The way their heads always find the right spot on our shoulder
3. How cute they look when they sleep
4. The ease in which they fit into our arms
5. The way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world
6. How cute they are when they eat
7. The way they take hours to get dressed but in the end it makes it all worth while
8. Because they are always warm even when its minus 30 outside
9. The way they look good no matter what they wear
10. The way they fish for compliments even though you both know that you think she's the most beautiful thing on this earth
11. How cute they are when they argue
12. The way her hand always finds yours
13. The way they smile
14. The way you feel when you see their name on the call ID after you just had a big fight
15. The way she says "lets not fight anymore" even though you know that an hour later....
16. The way they kiss when you do something nice for them
17. The way they kiss you when you say "I love you"
18. Actually ... just the way they kiss you...
19. The way they fall into your arms when they cry
20. Then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly
21. The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
22. Then the way they apologize when it does hurt. (even though we don't admit it)!
23. The way they say "I miss you"
24. The way you miss them
25. The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't hurt her anymore..... Yet regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that you would die without them ... it matters not. Because once in your life, whatever they were to the world they become everything to you. When you look them in the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things without trace of a sound, you know that your own life is inevitable consumed within the rhythmic beatings of her very heart. We love them for a million reasons, No paper would do it justice. It is a thing not of the mind but of the heart. A feeling. Only felt.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 4:19 pm
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Thursday, July 29, 2004
I have got a job offer letter from a recruitment agency. Thing is I'm not too sure whether is it like not a scam or something like that. Heh, Below is the letter they sent via email to me. People please take a look and tell me can?
R.J.C. Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Pohmelnaia str. 3a Phone/fax +78123804272
Dear Jessica, Russian Jewelry Company is pleased to offer you the position of Sales Representative at International Sales dept. in Australia for our company. We have carefully read your resume(in and decided offer this position to you. Russian Jewelry Company is the seller of jewellery adornments and also the representative of the largest manufacturers of jewellerys in Pacific region. We are engaged in sales of jewellerys adornments for a 3 years. At the moment our company has departments and physical representatives in USA and EMEA region. Requirements: 1. Computer with e-mail; 2. Australia resident; 3. 3-4 hours free during the week (mainly in the evening/non-business hours) for communication; 4.Banking account Your work will consist in accepting on your bank account payments for the Goods bought from us and send payment our agents via Western Union or Money Gram. The payment for your work will make 5% from the sum which have sent to you (on the average the prices for our production is 2000 - 10000 AUD), you should to send other part to our agent via WU or MG. All transaction fees is paid also by us. We will inform you about the payment which have sent on your banking account by e-mail, or by phone (as you will wish). Information about WU and MG transfers which have sent by you we ask to mail us. Persons who will be accepted for this job will follow these instructions: 1. Receive the money transfers on banking account 2. Take 5% from the sum which have sent to you 3. Send other part of received money to our manager via Western Union 4. Report to our manager via e-mail transfer details If you are interested in our offer or have any questions, please contact us via e-mail. Sincerely yours Russian Jewelry Company
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:17 am
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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
A new semester has started for me. Well, it has for the past erm 3 days? Today is my longest day. I had 2 lectures in the morning, and now I have 2 tutorials till 5pm today. From next week onwards, I'll have no lunch break even. It'll be from 10am straight to 5pm cause I've a group meeting during my lunch time. Sigh, maybe I should not have tried to pack my timetable to a 3 day week. Its really not that urgent to start the weekend early when you have a shitty week. Today, my lecturer is nice, she let us off early like 25mins into the lesson. Argh, my group members just walked in and said they did some research or something. Not bad, they did my work share of it. Cool but I still feel bad. Sigh.. I dont even know what racial reconcillation is. Whatever, I'll get it sorted soon. I think they dont understand me. Nevermind, troubles of being a bloody international student. The only one that is.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 2:27 pm
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Sunday, July 25, 2004
Sigh, school starts tomorrow. Time passes us by so quickly. One moment I'm complaining that I'm bored and now I'm complaining that I dont have enough time. Not that I have alot to do just that the feeling of having nothing to do is great. To wake up without commitments is a feeling that is once in a million. Well, twice a year actually. Winter and Summer break. Alot of things have happened during this holiday. Therefore, I cant say that it is a boring holiday, lots of ups and downs. In fact more downs than ever, problems that have not been solved. Problems that cannot be solved, somehow that makes me ver vulnerable and lost. I dont know what to do in such a situation, never encountered such a situation before. Recently, I took up running again, to run my problems away. Reuben always said I ran away from my problems, I guess that true but no matter how much I run, the problems will eventually be still there. I can never escape the problems and will keep worrying about it. But what are worries? Worries are things that are created by us, worry is something we dont have to, but ultimately the problem still lies there, perhaps that's why we worry. I once said this to someone and he said I was very philosophical that night. Anyway, enough of being so 'philosophical', there's enough gloom in the world around me without me contributing more to it. Even though sometimes I cant help it, but well.
Sat on the train yesterday and suddenly just felt like crying. In fact I did, just sat there and cried as many many thoughts went into my mind. Waves of emotion just overwhelmed me and I just couldnt take it anymore. There's only so much that a person can take in herself. I found out something yesterday, something that will cause a strain in the friendship of me and a good friend of mine. But I dont want this strain to happen, what then should I do? Its a difficult choice for me. I'm just confused and my mind is in a whirl. My roommate is also caught between the 2 of us. She does not know what to do or say to help the both of us. Neither do the both of us. Why must life be so cruel and challenge us constantly? Why cant life ever be smooth sailing? Sometimes, we can be brought up high and after awhile, we will be crashed down to the ends of the earth again. Its good to have problems once in awhile, but this is like constantly. Life(as I quote) is a pain in the arse.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 2:24 pm
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Thursday, July 22, 2004

The Strawberry Farm(self-explanatory)
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 1:10 am
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Ok I'm trying to blog my pictures that I took while I was on my mini holiday with Grace, Shuping, Wendy, Coreen and Luke. Luke you dont see in the pictures because he's well the designated photographer. But anyway, hope the pictures will turn out well, click to enlarge the pictures. I'm not exactly in the best of mood so just bear with me k? Oh and well, this is day 1 at the strawberry farm! We were trying to pick strawberries but because it was not really the season yet, meaning its going to get colder for the strawberries to thrive. But took some photos with some pseudo strawberries. They were really tasty by the way.Bought some strawberry jam and lemon butter as well. Yummy!
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 12:58 am
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
got this from meiyi's webpage again. been reading all the blogs. aha.. justin's idea of just posting pics sounds damn good.
How to make a jessica |
3 parts competetiveness
5 parts crazyiness
5 parts energy |
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of curiosity |
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 6:15 pm
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Hello! I'm back from the holidays with Grace, Wendy and Shuping together with Luke and Coreen. Goodness, I now realise how is it like without a car living in Brisbane. Anyway, I've alot of photos not yet collected from Wendy but well, I must say this holiday is great. Though now, I've alot of things to collect as in books and stuff and uni fees(damn). Having spent so much these few days, I really dont want to spend to much again. Sighz, but anyway, will upload all these photos when I have the patience to. Tomorrow, damn my housemates are going to Harbour Town but well I have a talk in the afternoon. Still thinking whether I should like join then and skip the talk but its about my program change. Sigh, decisions.. Anyway, its cold.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 5:32 pm
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Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Alright alright, I love myself.. haha.. no I just loved my new hair nowits going to qiao again. Thinking of whether I should rebond and get this effect. But its kinda too short.. What do you guys think?
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:51 pm
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Bye Bye Long hair, hello shoulder length hair
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:49 pm
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The blur pic of the new me!
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:48 pm
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Another pic of me before I left..
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:47 pm
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This is how short my hair is when tied up..
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:47 pm
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Another pic of my in my new hair...
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:45 pm
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I like this blurry photo. But this is before I left.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:41 pm
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Before I left home
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:40 pm
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Monday, July 12, 2004
Just finished watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. For those who dont quite know what the show is about, its a show about 5 gay guys trying to straighten out the life of one straight guy. Last week it was for a gay guy, that episode was bad cause well they were just a little too different from normal(ie more gayish)that usual, kissing him and stuff. Not that I dont mind gays, but just that its abit off seeing them hugging and kissing on national TV. Anyway, back to today's episode, I think its great. We should get Queer Eye to revamp the house that we are staying in. Someone should have changes for the heating elements of the house, instead of keeping the cold in during the winter, it
SHOULD be keeping the heat in. There's a whole book on them giving advice on how to straighten up your life, its really interesting. The guys will probably get turned off by the fact that its written by gay guys but its really a good read as it teaches you(as in guys) how to behave in front of girls. There's this whole section on how to behave in front of girls and the girls in my house all agree that its so true. So I think at the end of the year, I'll buy a book home.
Anyway, today something extraordinary happened. Someone whom we thought is unreasonable became reasonable today and someone whom we thought was reasonable became unreasonable. These 2 people are my landlady and landlord respectively. My landlady is usually a hot-tempered person who usually flare up at the slightest thing while my landlord is usually the go-between the her and us. Few days ago, she told us that today someone was coming in to make the kitchen floor and she would buy us lunch today. So when we came down for lunch at 12.30pm, there were 2 bags of stuff on the table, one bag contained 2 packets of chicken and the other bag contained a bag of ham and cheese bread. So we thought that the chickens were for us(though it might sound far-fetched) I know, since when had we had half a chicken each for lunch but anyway, yeah you see we were wrong and there was this huge misunderstanding. I think my landlord scolded my landlady till when she came out to tell us the 'story', she was nearly crying while he was banging the door and stuff. It was a really awakard situation, cause we couldnt simply give them back the chicken and she was very nice about it saying that we didnt have to buy back chickens and stuff. After awhile, my landlord also calmed down and came out and acted as if nothing happened. At that point, I really felt so bad I wanted to dig a hole and crawl under it. But nevertheless, this incident made me see one point, Australians are very tolerant people. I mean even if the incident blew over, they wouldnt have changed temperament so quickly and try to make the situation better. Really respected them for that. Therefore, we decided to make tomorrow a pizza night, as we treat them to dinner and stuff. But they didnt want and they had already made wednesday a pizza night. So we will just do the Christmas tree for them instead. Sigh, this incident really took a huge guilt trip man. I think even worse when they ate my landlord's lunch. But all's good for now.
So today, after that huge hoo-hah, I went to Booval to collect my parcel. I thought no town could get worse than Ipswich(where I'm staying now), I was so wrong. That town is so dead I thought it was inhabited. The post office size itself is to tiny its terrible but anyway got my package. Happy again. Oh on our way there, there was this bunch of young punks making fun of Amy and me. They were saying Japanese and stuff. Bascially racist stuff and one of the guys was trying to listen in to what we were saying and we were speaking
English! But obviously he does not understand us so he thinks we are not. What assholes and such young punks. Pathetic, its this people that give Aussies a bad name. Luciky, this Booval place is near Ipswich, so we didnt have to endure very much of that pathetic racist crap.
Oh and I watched Peter Pan just now. Not the cartoon, the real life people version, not the robin williams one, the younger boy version. Its really well a child movie with a touch of romance as well. I think whether a person likes it anot really depends on the individual. But anyway I personally think its a good movie.
Really hungry now, think my appetite getting bigger again. Which equals to getting fatter. Anyway, going for a hair cut tomorrow, want a change in style since having long hair for the past 3 years and oh going for thermal ionic treatment( I think that's hair straightening) on friday as well. Hope my hair wil turn out ok.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 10:20 pm
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Sunday, July 11, 2004
anger section.
what do you do when you're mad?: scream, cry
if you can take back time, would you have
never done this?: No, I need a source of venting my anger anyway.
ever made anyone cry when you were mad?: no..
ever physically hurt someone when you were
mad?: no...
do you curse when you're mad?: yup, definately..
crying section.
when was the last time you really cried your
heart out?: One faithful day when my life is back to being controlled again.
ever cried yourself to sleep?: yup, more than once.
ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: literally? yeah..
ever cried over the opposite sex?: well yeah.. unfortunately.
do you cry when you get an injury? once
do certain songs make you cry?: yes... esp chinese ones..
can you make yourself cry for no reason??: erm no
pain section.
what's the hardest thing you've ever had to go
through?: growing up
what's the worst thing you've done to yourself?:
attempting suicide i guess
what's the worst thing you've done to somebody
else?: i guess leaving for no reason
how depressed can you get?: erm have gotten quite depressed before.
do you inflict pain on yourself?: done that before
happy section.
are you normally a happy person?: yeah, i'm quite a happy-go-lucky person, but lately maybe that has changed a little.
what can make you happy? alot of things- from the simplest to the most impossible
do you wish you were happier?: well, lately yes
what makes you the happiest?: erm, i guess talking to friends..
is being happy overrated?: no..
what about being with your friends, does that
make you happy?: yes definately. i love my friends
can music make you happy?: sometimes
love section.
have you ever loved someone so much, that
you'd die for them?: nope, no guy is worth it.
did you ever love a person, tell them that,
and only got 'thanks' as a reply?: yes, omg it was so long ago but i think it happened.
ever loved someone so much, it hurt and made
you cry?: many many times. too many darn times, it gotta change.
has anyone besides your friends and family
ever said 'i love you' to you?: erm yeah..
hate section.
who do you actually hate?: can i not answer this qn? hate is a strong word. but i use it. :P
ever made a hit list?: no
have you ever been on a hit list?: hope not.
are you a mean bully? nope. i get bullied.. hee
do you hate any one that breaks your heart?: nope, everyone's entitled to their own love
do you hate George Bush?: i dont hate him but i dont like him either.
s e l f - e s t e e m section.
do you believe in yourself?: no
when people say they think you are good looking
do you deny you are?: yup, always. because i'm not!
are you one of those that think they
are ugly, dumb, and fat?: well, yeah..
ever wanted to kill yourself because you
thought you weren't good enough?: hm.. yeah..
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 5:40 pm
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A really sweet msg that an ex-colleague sent me. Just thought I'll share it with everyone. You guys mean alot to me.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 12:48 am
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Saturday, July 10, 2004
I'm waiting for my parents to come online. Man, hope that I didnt get the timings wrong cause I'm supposed to be watching Kill Bill 2 over at Amy's room. Man, that show is quite crappy, actually its very crappy. Just wondering how much more crappy can it be and obviously I think it can be crappier. My landlady is a argh b*tch and a pain in the arse. Just now, while we watching the movie, she came up and said that we were inconsiderate and that her husband has to get up at 4am or something and he's still and we should not be giggling and squealing away at 11pm at night. What a bummer, she always pulls this crap on us. What is her problem?
Sigh, tomorrow, Andrew and Colin are most probably going to play soccer which leaves me and Amy alone in the house. Quite sad huh? 2 is the saddest number so far. And Nicole has gone to her friend's house for the night, so I'm all alone in the room. Now while the rest are watching the movie. Quite sian actually but well, I'll get used to it. Just now I was going through all the sightseeing stuff in Queensland and I realise that there are actually quite alot of stuff to see over here. Its just a matter of whether I have someone to go with me but then again who will be crazy enough to visit all these stuff with me. I want to find a job next semester so that next winter I can save money to visit Yali in Melbourne. It really looks fun! At least much more fun than what I'm having anyway. Anyway, have to start signing on classes on Monday, hope that I'll get the timetable that I want.
Argh where are my parents?
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 11:10 pm
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Thursday, July 08, 2004
Alright every entry is almost about me being bored. That's quite sad I suppose. But not that I never did anything, I still go out. But I think the novelty of blogging has lost its meaning. Pretty shallow eh? What I believe in and what I should do is not focused at all. Perhaps that's why I dont do well in school. Perhaps that's why I've been a failure so far. Havent done much concrete stuff in my life, havent made changes at all. Sure, I've grown, more matured, more thoughtful, less happy I guess, more independant. But these do not warrant good grades, I still have to work my ass for that but I dont because I'm not focused. But is that actually possible? To be perfectly focused in what I want to do. To know what are my goals in life, to be able to have the will and passion to achieve them. I dont come back honours, I am literally nothing with just a BA degree. How often can someone with a BA degree find a job? For someone with a BA degree, he/she must have at least honours to be able to be chosen for a job. What then can I do? Be a teacher? If I wanted that route, I would not even come to Australia, would stay in Singapore. I came here to pursue a dream, sometimes that dream really seems bleak and not possible. How can someone of my calibre actually get offered honours? Look at my results this semester, it sucks and it would be taken into consideration when I apply for honours. Can I really get this goal? I know that I should tell myself I can but can I actually achieve it? Goals, dreams, the end point are somethings that are created by us, somethings that we want but sometimes have to face reality and know that somethings are not achievable. We have the freedom to choose what we want, but that freedom, who gives it to us? Ourelves? Look as the NS people, they dont choose to go into NS but they have no choice but still there's an end point in that after 2 years. I cant see my end point and seriously that's worrying me. I dont know if I'll make it and if I dont, the words 'I tried my best' will not be enough after all the effort my parents put in to send me here.
I dont like these type of blogging, too sentimental and sad. Makes me really sad as well just thinking about my bleak future. But for the near future, I can look forward to seeing Grace, Shuping and Wendy.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 8:56 pm
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Hey got this from Meiyi, the jap name generator.
My japanese name is 原 Hara (wilderness) 久美子 Kumiko (eternal beautiful child).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 1:10 pm
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Last bored pic I took. Platform 8 where we were stonning at..
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 1:07 am
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Blurry pic of Roma Street station
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 1:06 am
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Roma street station 1
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 1:03 am
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Me and Nic at Roma Street Station
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 1:01 am
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View from South Bank
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 12:59 am
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Finally got my bum moving and have gone out today. Went to make my working visa. I've been here like 4 months, have settled more admin stuff in the beginning but now havent made my working visa. I dont even know whether I'm going to work over here but well, just to make it sound nice. I made a working visa today. Woke up at 10am today, by the way that's early in my dictionary because I've been getting up at lunch time. So anyway, was still late to make it for the original train we wanted to, so we had breakfast at Mackers. In Mackers, there's this cafe called Mc Cafe, had a mud cake slice, DAMN NICE ah. Not too sure if Singapore's Mackers has Mc Cafe anot but I sure hope that it has. Hee.. Anyway, moved on, took a long train ride to the city with Nicole and Amy. Train rides are always interesting over here. There are always stuff to see, from interesting to gruesome to shockng to scary to nice and pleasant. So anyway, today is pleasant, saw the cutest boy ever. He's like so cute, his dad is like so mean to he still kisses his dad's face all over the place. CUTIE! Alright, shall shut up about that boy. Got to the city, went to get the working visa. The guy who attended to me took so long. He's like the blurrest, goondo-est, slowest guy around. Asked so many irrelevant questions till I very pek-qie. My friend who went after me finshed before me and had to drop a hint to the blur guy that she was waiting for me. So finally when he was done with his crap, we finally got out of that place and walked around.
Oh scrape this entry. My roommate's quarreling with her mom again. I feel bad everytime I hear this conversation. Sigh, more that 5000miles away from home and there's trouble. Sometimes I think its not worth it. Sad, really sad. I feel bad for her. Bleahz.. Anyway I no mood to blog but I'm looking forward to the arrival of Grace, Wendy and Shuping next week. Then I can really get my holidays enjoying. Yay but in the meantime I hope she will be alright.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 12:04 am
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Monday, July 05, 2004
GREECE won the Euro 2004. Man, its unbelievable, truly truly unbelievable. They are really the Black Horses and they won the tournament. Guess how I know? Well, I was watching the live game for it! Basically, we didnt get any sleep yesterday at all as at 430am in the morning, we were all in the city at this bar watching the game. We all decided that since its the holidays we can afford to not sleep for a day and stuff. But the last train for Sunday night was 1040pm, which was way too early but we had little choice. So packed with all our 'entertainment' things(music, books, mags, tim tams, museli bars, water, jacket, etc) we set out to take the last train into the city. When we reached the city, the whole city was almost dead. It was sad to see the city dead at 1145pm, totally no life at all. Somehow makes me wonder whether Australians go out at all, I mean they have to right? They have all these pubs which are all not open at all, wonder what they are there for. So anyway, since we had like 4 and 1/2 hours to kill, we decided to go to Cybercity which closes at 2am to have supper. What was scary was that everyone ordered a full meal. I mean we just had dinner at 7pm? Then suddenly, supper at 12am. Scary but true. Had a truly satisfying meal, hung around the place till 2am where they had to kick us out. Somehow that description sounded bad and really really sad. So after that, we had no where to go except to go to the casino which was where we wanted to watch the game. When we reached there, it was still early(230am). Had another 2 hours to kill. Bummed around at all these jackpot machines playing 1cent games. So we had like 100credits for a dollar. To kill time you know? So well, Andrew managed to win like $4 which paid for his train ticket home and a bag of chips. It was all good, then we decided to sit in the bar in the casino. Suddenly the place was teeming with people, we had no seats and had to go to the bar outside in Queens Street Mall to settle down. Luckily they showed the game as well, or else we would have came to the city in vain and that would be quite sad as there were no trains running home till about 6am in the morning. So no booze was allowed after 2am and everyone settled for hot mochas, and hot chocolates and stuff. Last night was pretty warm, thank goodness. First half was boring, I nearly fell asleep, had to buy coffee for the 2nd half. But the game got more exciting in the 2nd half. I havent watched soccer since I was in J2 when it was the world cup. But anyway, it was an ok game I guess though its abit disappointing that Greece won and not Portugal. Abit sad I guess but anyway after the game we were all stoned. Everyone slept on the train home. Came home, headed straight for the room, washed up abit and fell into the beds and slept till 4pm today. Dont know why, think I'm out of practice for thorn-ing already, I still feel tired or perhaps I slept too much? No idea but probably my body clock is abit warped.
Anyway, enough about soccer fever, the State of Origin game is on this Wednesday. I hope Queensland win. By the way, that's a rugby game. And books in Aussie is blardy expensive and I've 7 texts to buy. What the hell.. Out to fleece our money, I'm pretty sure of that. Anyways, think I'll go to bed soon, oh wait, got to do laundry and bathe. Argh..
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 9:58 pm
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Sunday, July 04, 2004
Just told my dad my results. Obviously my dad is not happy. Even I'm not happy with it but what to do? I'm just fed up lah, how smart does my dad think I am? The reason why I'm even in Australia is because I'm not smart. And he expects distinctions all the way. Not every one has a high distinction and I have one but he disregards that and concentrates on the subjects that I have passes. Nearly cried when he's lecturing me but after that, he instead of ignoring me like he always does, he still talks to me and asks me well-being. I feel bad as well, really bad. I'm fed up but I feel bad as well. I dont know what I should be feeling. My brothers fight to talk to me. I feel so bad after that day.
Supposed to be watching The Shining now, but I'm talking to them. Its good in a way I guess.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 1:18 am
-ThE EnD-
Saturday, July 03, 2004
I watched Spiderman 2 last night. Wanted to come back and blog about it while it was still fresh in my mind but decided that if I blog about it yesterday I wont have much to say today. You see I'm a really no life person around here so its quite sad that I have no life. Well I could have and try to have more of a life but well its just that I dont want to be a lightbulb so that's why I'm not playing PS2 because the both of them are. I dont want to be an extra and take their precious time away. So that's why I'm always in my room, online. Sad huh? Anyway back to Spiderman 2, I think its pretty good so far, as a sequel I mean. Shrek 2 is still the best, but Spiderman 2 is alright. Not bad, though there were some parts I wanted to fall asleep because it was getting too draggy but overall, I must say the action is worth it. Though, most of spiderman wasnt really Toby Macguire's doing as once the mask is donned, everything's CG already. Really impressed with the CG though, think its rather good and realistic. Of course some parts are pathetically fake but most of it is good. This is what you get when you stay with people(3) who study multimedia design. I see their projects, I really respect them.
Anyway, got my results out yesterday. Didnt do particularly bad but neither were my results fantastic. Its expected but still I feel kinda disappointed with myself as well, if I didnt have those plagirism cases, I would have definately done better. But well, its a lesson learnt and a lesson not to be repeated. Overall my term GPA is 4.75/7. Its a pass, but not great. Bleahz.. Anyway, nothing much to say already. This is how boring my holidays are. But I'm going to watch the finals of Euro 2004 tomorrow night. Going to take the last train into the city and watch the finals in the casino and take the first train home at about 6 something am in the morning. Its a pretty cool thing to do as a house but it'll be damn cold. I hope Portugal wins, Greece has been too lucky this season.
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 2:48 pm
-ThE EnD-
Friday, July 02, 2004
I'm bored. I guess that's why I'm blogging everyday. Results will be out tomorrow, freak out. Totally but whatever it was, I came through this semester, hopefully I'll pass everything. Lessons were learnt, hope that mistakes will not be repeated anymore. Just keeping to myself these few days, thinking alot, crapping alot, stoning alot.
Anyway, read Shang's blog about the blackout in Singapore on tuesday that affected half of Singapore. My house in Singapore was also affected, but I didnt know. Tuesday, I was alone in my room doing my own stuff. Did I even bother to call home? Did I even treasure times to talk to my parents? No I didnt. I was supposed to talk to them on wednesday but because I was out, I just sent a message home that I was out and would see them the next day. My mum told me that my dad heartached that I chose to go out and have fun rather than talk to my parents. I havent spoken to them in a month. Given my dad's usual temper, he would have stopped talking to me already, he would have banned from doing alot of things already but he didnt. He understood and said enjoy my holidays. He didnt allow me to go to do water activities when I'm in Singapore but yet I told him I'm going cannoeing, he said enjoy myself. I emailed him at 1am and told him i just came home, he said he hoped I enjoyed myself and be careful and ask me when I need my school fees and money over. I felt so bad when my dad told me all those. I wanted him to scold me, wanted him to blame him for not treasuring family talk times. But instead, my dad said, enjoy your holidays. He still talked to me, he still encouraged me. I'm such a bad daughter but yet my dad is still so nice to me. I really dont deserve parents like that. I dont deserve the love of my brothers. Yes, they do love me. Even though they dont say it out but they fight with each other to talk to me to tell me stuff and ask about me. Where do I get a family like this? I'm sure that half the families that are decent are like that but mine didnt used to be. I just feel bad..
Anyway, tonight we're watching spiderman2. Do you guys know that spiderman 2 first came out in Australia because of the time difference between here and America? Its cool though it means nothing to most of us. Anyway, hope that the movie is good and oh today is TONY's BIRTHDAY. So Tony if you even come to my blog again, Happy Birthday k? Sang yat fai lok (If that made sense)
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 2:32 pm
-ThE EnD-
I'm bored. I guess that's why I'm blogging everyday. Results will be out tomorrow, freak out. Totally but whatever it was, I came through this semester, hopefully I'll pass everything. Lessons were learnt, hope that mistakes will not be repeated anymore. Just keeping to myself these few days, thinking alot, crapping alot, stoning alot.
Anyway, read Shang's blog about the blackout in Singapore on tuesday that affected half of Singapore. My house in Singapore was also affected, but I didnt know. Tuesday, I was alone in my room doing my own stuff. Did I even bother to call home? Did I even treasure times to talk to my parents? No I didnt. I was supposed to talk to them on wednesday but because I was out, I just sent a message home that I was out and would see them the next day. My mum told me that my dad heartached that I chose to go out and have fun rather than talk to my parents. I havent spoken to them in a month. Given my dad's usual temper, he would have stopped talking to me already, he would have banned from doing alot of things already but he didnt. He understood and said enjoy my holidays. He didnt allow me to go to do water activities when I'm in Singapore but yet I told him I'm going cannoeing, he said enjoy myself. I emailed him at 1am and told him i just came home, he said he hoped I enjoyed myself and be careful and ask me when I need my school fees and money over. I felt so bad when my dad told me all those. I wanted him to scold me, wanted him to blame him for not treasuring family talk times. But instead, my dad said, enjoy your holidays. He still talked to me, he still encouraged me. I'm such a bad daughter but yet my dad is still so nice to me. I really dont deserve parents like that. I dont deserve the love of my brothers. Yes, they do love me. Even though they dont say it out but they fight with each other to talk to me to tell me stuff and ask about me. Where do I get a family like this? I'm sure that half the families that are decent are like that but mine didnt used to be. I just feel bad..
Anyway, tonight we're watching spiderman2. Do you guys know that spiderman 2 first came out in Australia because of the time difference between here and America? Its cool though it means nothing to most of us. Anyway, hope that the movie is good and oh today is TONY's BIRTHDAY. So Tony if you even come to my blog again, Happy Birthday k? Sang yat fai lok (If that made sense)
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 2:32 pm
-ThE EnD-
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Finally wednesday came around and almost everyone's back from their holidays. Sort of holidays. They just kinda disappeared for like 5 days? So yep, yesterday was the end of the 5 days. Way cool. I'm just so so glad that Amy and Andrew are back. Missed them quite abit. Missed Andrew for his crappy comments and stuff. Missed Amy as someone I can really talk to. So its all good that almost everyone is home.
Anyway, I was saying that I was going out alone? Well, yeah I did. Got up at like 1030am in the morning, forced myself up actually. As usual our freezing cold house never fails to make me shiver from inside out as I get up from my warm and nice bed. But I need to get out of the house to get some fresh air, to clear my head abit. So anyway, Isaac was being a dear and sent me to return my DVD(1 day late, who cares?) and send me to the train station. But I felt a little bad cause I didnt give him a fixed time as to when I was going so he got up at 9am. I felt so totally totally bad. But its all good, guilt aside, missed my train so I had to wait another 1/2 hour more for the next. All packed up with my music and book so its alright there. Didnt dare sleep in case my bag might get snatched(nearly happened to me), so yeah was famished and having a headache by the time I reached Indooroopilly. On the way though, taking the train alone lets me think about alot of things without having to make conversation. Anyways, got to Indroo in 1 piece, started out with Mackers for lunch and started on my quest in shopping. I wasnt really looking for anything in particular, just random shopping but it was so tempting to buy heaps of stuff because everything's on sale. If anyone remembers, its the end of financial year yesterday so its everywhere's screaming SALE SALE SALE. But then again, didnt everyone say that shopping is a girl's best way to lighten herself up? So let me tell you, this remedy is fantastic. I can just walk around without stopping for people or going into shops that I dont really want to or going into shops that people might not want to go into. So in the end, I started at about 1pm, ended at like 3 something and my conquest: Bought a pair of Ug boots(finally), bought a pair of cheap boots, bought like earrings, chocolate covered marshmallows, stuff. All in all it was all good. Spent good money, had good fun and then it was to meet Nicole and Colin in the city. (Or so I thought) Our timing is so good that as I walk out of Indroo, they walked in. So luckily we saw each other or else it would have been bad. Not that I minded shopping in the city but yeah I was carrying quite abit of bags so would have been a hassle. BUT, I felt so out of place. Lightbulb comes into place, so I basically tried to keep out of their way as much as possible. Sigh, felt abit bad as well, to be a lightbulb. I didnt want to, timing was all wrong. So anyway, after being a lightbulb for such a long time, we decided to go to the airport to send Andrew's mum and girlfriend off. They are flying back to Singapore. AND the ticket to the airport cost 20bucks, worse thing is they didnt check out tickets. We were damn cheesed off by it but well, its an experience anyway, besides it would be awhile before I saw auntie and kelly again so they're worth the 20 bucks. After that, met Amy and Angel for dinner at Chinatown. Met up with Welin, Raymond and Rex. Had coffee and stuff, chit chatted. I missed those days. Even though its like 5 days that they were gone but it did make a huge difference to the house. Anyway, got home at like 1am, got to bed at 230am. Woke up at 845 this morning.
TODAY- I went for a cannoeing trip. Went with some church people who brought us around to cannoe. Really nice of them to come and bring us around. OMG, if you guys ever ever have a chance to cannoe here,please do. This is not like cannoeing in the East Coast Beach or something from Outward Bound. I am talking about cannoeing in a river, a quiet still river.Like those amazon images that we get. Really really very nice views, its fantastic in fact.Loved every minute even the ice cold water. No one collapsed but the water was ice cold but the sun is also great, warmed us all up. Had a nice pinic by the river bank. Geez, how could ever see this happening in Singapore? No cause our Kallang River is too precious. The Brisbane River is a drinking source but people are allowed to cannoe and stuff. It so cool, cant wait to go again if we have the chance.
Anyway, this is a blardee long entry. So sorry if anyone's bored out. Mesa have to gosa and rest. Exhausted.. See you guys..
Jessica WhIsPeReD OuT @ 5:09 pm
-ThE EnD-